Love this post. While in the Philippines, I started most mornings listening to bossa nova bc they love it there, reading this brought back fond memories from 80’s and 90’s.

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That’s kind of you, my friend. And between the human drone videos and bossa nova, you keep making me more and more interested in the Philippines!

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I won't hold it against you that you didn't ask me my favorite job, but it was probably the first year I worked at a record store. It was the year after Empire Records came out and I just felt like I had the coolest job in the world. I could open ANY CD, on any shift, and listen to whatever. Then Wherehouse Music bought us and the rules flooded the vibe. I still played Rage really loud during peak hours!

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I remember visiting Amoeba in Berkeley as a teenager and thinking that everyone working there had absolutely the coolest job in the country and if only I would one day have a chance. Can you believe I’ve never seen Empire Records?

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