May 1Liked by David Sasaki

Aside from the tangible, metric-able benefits of moving away from Oaxaca, I'd like to think that those four kids might have had their paths changed incrementally by a visit from a Gringo (respectfully) such as yourself. Not to add heavy notes of colonizer mentality, but a friendly visit from a foreign cyclist in their lil part of the world, might make them wonder about the rest of the world a bit more than the guys across the street did, when they were kids.

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Apr 23Liked by David Sasaki

When asked how he thinks AI will affect computer programmers, one of my students responded today that programmers will become prompt engineers.

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Or maybe the ultra rich could pay their share of taxes to help the poor? Isn't the best answer - both? I guess the question is also, what is the "help" that actually helps?

Either way I think you're right about the grass always being greener for some, I guess part of it is what people most incentivized and motivated by - the idea of more economic opportunity or connection to home and family. It's fascinating and I wonder a lot about how remote work, climate change and the downfall of democracy will shift migration patterns over the next decades. The silver migration for eldercare is another interesting example.

Great post, I'd love to hear more on this topic and your experiences in Oaxaca!

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